Installing the Exact Synergy Office Integrator 5.0.279 on Citrix or Terminal Server

Installing the Exact Synergy Office Integrator seams easy, just double click the MSI and the rest will follow. Until Exact Synergy Enterprise batch 244 you could select “Install for this user only” or “Install for everyone” , since Exact Synergy Enterprise batch 245 this option is removed from the installer, the only way to install the SOI for everyone is to use some extra parameters with the MSI.

So please be ware of this when installing the Exact Synery Office Integrator on Citrix or Terminal Server, I had the pleasure to remove the SOI manually from out Terminal Server, it took me about 45 minutes to cleanup the registry before I could install it the correct way.

Also on workstations which are used by more than one person you should install the SOI for everyone.

msiexec /i C:\SynergyOfficeIntegration.msi EXACTWIXAPPFOLDER=”exactWixPerMachineFolder” SYNERGYURL=http://<Exact Synergy Enterprise Server>/<Virtual Directory Name> FIRSTRUN=0 SETPREREQS=1 ALLUSERS=1 /l*v C:\MSI.log

For more information: 

Good luck everyone, be warned 😀

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