Configuring Windows 2008 and R2 for Exact Synergy Enterprise background jobs

When you first start Exact Synergy Enterprise on à Windows Server 2008 or R2 server it start the new database wizard and will create a db.config.

Sometimes it’s created in the installation folder of Exact Synergy Enterprise, sometimes it’s created in c:\users\public\Exact Synergy Enterprise and here’s the catch. When the db.config is created in the installation folder everything works just fine, you can browse Synergy create workflows etc.

But then you start configuring the Exact Synergy Enterprise background jobs and no matter where you run the command line, through the SQL agent, Command Prompt or Task Scheduler nothing seems to happen. Normally you check the process log in Synergy for an error, but there won’t be one. Check the Event Viewer on the server where you started the job, you will proberbly find an error of the exact.process.exe like “Error in process: . Error = Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”.

This is where the db.config in the c:\users\public\exact synergy enterprise is needed, just copy the db.config from you’re Synergy Installation folder and the job will work just fine.


This issue is resolved in the batch 245 releas of Exact Synergy Enterprise.

2 comments on “Configuring Windows 2008 and R2 for Exact Synergy Enterprise background jobs”

  1. Ronald Voets says:

    the problem you describe has been resolved. A fix is available in Synergy Enterprise 245.


    1. Michael says:

      THNX Ronald, I will update the blog

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